How to Unblock Fallopian Tubes Naturally


Blocked fallopian tubes are a complex area to treat, but in certain cases will be possible to unblock naturally.

There are primarily 2 types of issues causing fallopian tube blockage: 

1. Physical tissue changes that have damaged the tube(s) and caused closure/blockage. This is often caused by scar tissue that may in some cases be due to past pelvic infections, but can also be caused by other issues. This is the most complex situation with blocked fallopian tubes, and in severe cases it may not be possible to resolve. Your consultant will need to guide you on this more severe situation.

2. Elevated levels of mucus in the fallopian tubes. This mucus physically obstructs the tubes due to its sticky nature. This will be sufficient in many cases to stop an egg or embryo from passing through the tube. During tubal investigation (HSG) the mucus may be temporarily removed, due to the procedure of passing through the tube. This removal will free the tube in some cases giving a temporary solution. Overtime however, the tube may block again. This type of mucus blockage can at times be resolved naturally.

Tubal health can only be understood through a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG), or a Hystero Contrast Sonography (HyCoSy). Both of these investigations have the ability to assess whether the tubes are patent (open) or not.

Deciding how to unblock fallopian tubes, and whether you can, will depend on whether:

  • There is physical damage to the tube as explained in point 1 above
  • The extent of the physical damage

Physical Damage and how to unblock the fallopian tubes:

If the tube is physically damaged, then surgery may an option in some cases.

In other cases IVF will be the only viable option, as it bypasses the fallopian tubes completely.

Mucus blockage and how to unblock the fallopian tubes naturally:

If the blockage is not due to physical damage of the tube, and it’s likely blocked due to fluid or mucus, then Chinese Herbal Medicine has been shown to have positive results in many cases.

The Herbal Medicine must be prescribed and tailor made for you by an experienced practitioner, and will typically need to be used for around 6 months.

The Chinese Herbal Medicine needs to be the main treatment for this issue, and can be supported with weekly acupuncture sessions to help increase the effect of mucus clearing.

Acupuncture will use points in close proximity to the fallopian tubes, to help increase circulation and distribution of the fluids and mucus. This will help your body to eliminate the mucus over time.

It’s unlikely that acupuncture alone will resolve this issue, as deep internal change is required.

Chinese Herbal Medicine can provide the nutrients that your body requires to help balance and reduce internal mucus levels and inflammation.

When used for the correct time period this approach will result in a reduction of the mucus and fluids causing the blockage of the tube(s).

As long as sufficient treatment has been carried out, the tube will not block easily again.

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