Increase your chances of getting pregnant – naturally or with IVF
Download a FREE copy of my book to get started.
Increase your chances of getting pregnant – naturally or with IVF.
Download a FREE copy of my book to get started.

Starting a family should be an exciting, happy time…
Not this exhausting recurring pattern of disappointment.
Right now you may feel stuck in a cycle of doing everything you can, not getting pregnant, feeling deflated, and then stressing about what to try next. The harder you try the worse you end up feeling.
This journey is probably affecting your day-to-day life, emotions, confidence, finances, relationships, and most importantly your well-being. At times you might even feel like giving up completely.
But please dont!
I can tell you from personal experience of helping thousands of people on their journey that …. there is usually a solution.
And I’d like to help you find it.
The solution lies in a natural principle understood for thousands of years:
Grab a FREE copy of my book where I explain this principle in detail and share how you can find your solution.
If you aren’t getting pregnant, or staying pregnant …
there is a cause of it.
For pregnancy to occur, nature requires you to have high reserves of stored energy, nutrients, and other vital substances – which also support a healthy pregnancy.
If any of these aspects are decreased, then your body reduces reproduction temporarily (lowering your fertility), until they are restored.
If you’re having difficulty getting or staying pregnant, then somewhere in the complex system that is your body, there’s an imbalance – even if you feel healthy and even if you’re experiencing ‘Unexplained Infertility’.
And if you have been diagnosed with a physical issue such as: PCOS, Endometriosis, Cysts, Polyps, Fibroids, Irregular Cycles or more – then there is definitely an underlying imbalance that is causing these issues to present themselves.
There is always a reason, and there is usually always a solution too!
To find the right solution for you, we first need to discover what the root cause is.
Reduced fertility is a sign that some aspect of health is out of balance. This imbalance is unique to your health – and before you try to treat it, you need to know what it is.
For more than 23 years I’ve used Classical Chinese Fertility Medicine to help people all over the world find the root pattern of their fertility issues, and support their fertility health naturally.
I’ve combined and integrated this ancient Chinese knowledge with modern fertility research, as a foundation for my guidance on my 3-Steps to Pregnancy Program. This has resulted in many of my clients, between the ages of 37 and 53, getting pregnant naturally or with assisted cycles – including egg donation.
Download a FREE copy of my book to discover how you can find your root cause, and positively support your fertility health.
As the famous Chinese physician Lu Buwei said 2300 years ago:
“There is nothing better than knowing the root cause”.
First we need to diagnose what is stopping you getting or staying pregnant, and why you’re experiencing this. We help you find the root cause of your delay, so you know what to focus on for positive change.
Then we’ll descide on a clear plan and strategy to navigate your journey, so you know: which treatments to do; when to do them; and how long to do them for. IVF is also discussed at this stage.
And finally we’ll use the 5 Fertility Foundations ™ (diet, lifestyle, treatment, mindset and environment) to help you tranform your fertility for natural or assisted conception and healthy pregnancy.
Get yourself fully prepared for natural, or IVF conception and pregnancy?
Create a step-by-step plan of action and structure, so you know what to do at each step of your journey?
Become naturally fertile with the best natural support?
Build up your confidence in your ability to conceive?
Clear away all the overwhelm, anxiety and negative thoughts?
And finally feel like you’re heading in the right direction to have your baby?
What has your path to parenthood cost you so far?
For many people it’s not just financial, but emotional and physical too! If you’re feeling tired and a bit lost, maybe it’s time to try something different. Let’s get to the root of the problem and create a well thought out, wholistic plan of action to increase your chances of having your baby.
The Natural Fertility Expert
Fertility at 40+
© 1998-2025 Andrew Loosely - United Kingdom