If You Are Doing A Health Review with Me:
Here’s the Men’s Test List to Use
Your 2-hour health review offers you the option to have your medical test results reviewed by me. You can use the following list as a guide for some key tests that would be helpful to review.
Please Note: Providing test results for your assessment is optional. You do not have to provide any tests if you can’t or don’t want to.
However, if you would like the most up to date and complete view of your current health I recommend completing as many of the following tests as you can.
If completing new tests is not an option I can review older tests first and then advise you on whether any new tests would be helpful. If the existing tests are older than 6-months, it will not provide the most up to date picture of your current health but it can still give us an insight.
Most people are able to do these tests with their GP/primary healthcare physician or their fertility Dr/Consultant.
As a foundational male test panel I suggest starting with options 1+2, and then if we find there are any issues you can progress to options 3+4 as needed.
1. Semen Analysis
A semen analysis is the most basic male fertility test that can be carried out.
Sperm health should be tested via a semen analysis every 6 months, and sometimes more regularly if there is a specific issue that is being treated.
It is advisable to produce the sample at the clinic where the test is being carried out, so that the sperm are as fresh and as healthy as possible before testing.
If you have a cold or other temporary illness, please postpone the test until you have fully recovered. The results may not be a true and accurate reflection of your fertility health if you have been unwell for several weeks before, or at the time of the test.
Prior to testing it is advisable to abstain from ejaculating for a period of 2-3 days. Abstaining for more than 3 days can, in many men, cause deterioration of the sperm and produce poor results.
You should also avoid drinking alcohol for at least 6-7 days in the lead up to the test.
Try to obtain as much of the following information as you can:
- Semen volume
- Semen pH
- Sperm count / concentration
- Sperm motility
- Sperm vitality % (not always recorded)
- Sperm morphology (not always provided but please request as it’s very important)
- Sperm liquefaction time
- Semen white blood cells (not always carried out but better if it is)
- Sperm antibodies
2. DNA Fragmentation Test
If it’s possible to carry out, a DNA Fragmentation test can show us the genetic health of the sperm that cannot be assessed in a semen analysis. This test will show whether there is oxidative stress at heightened levels that are damaging the sperm DNA.
There are many labs that offer this specialised tests worldwide.
3. Complete Thyroid Panel
This single blood test can be carried out at any time of your cycle. Test for:
Free T3
Free T4
Reverse T3 – this is often not availble so don’t worry if you can’t get this.
Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase
3. A Nutrient Profile
There are many nutrients that can be tested. These are a few of the key ones:
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D
Click Here For the Womens Test List

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