If You Are Doing A Health Review with Me:
Here’s the Women’s Test List to Use
Your 2-hour health review offers you the option to have your medical test results reviewed by me. You can use the following list as a guide for some key tests that would be helpful to review.
Please Note:
Providing test results for your assessment is optional. You do not have to provide any tests if you can’t or don’t want to.
However, if you would like the most up to date and complete view of your current health I recommend completing as many of the following tests as you can.
If completing new tests is not an option I can review older tests first and then advise you on whether any new tests would be helpful. If the existing tests are older than 6-months, it will not provide the most up to date picture of your current health but it can still give us an insight.
Most people are able to do these tests with their GP/primary healthcare physician or their gynecologist.
If this is not possible, then private home testing is often another option – depending on your country of residence. For UK home testing I recommend using Medichecks.com
1. A Hormone Panel
This panel will provide the most important profile of your hormones.
The hormone panel is divided into the 2 phases of your menstrual cycle.
You will therefore need 2 separate blood tests for a complete cycle hormone profile.
Hormone Blood Test 1 – needs to be completed on days 1-3 of your menstruation. Day 1 is the first day of proper bleeding.
You should test for the following:
Estradiol (E2)
Hormone Blood Test 2 – needs to be completed 5-7 days AFTER ovulation.
This is to test for:
Progesterone (P4)
Important Note:
The timing of all of these hormone tests is crucial.
Any test taken outside of the suggested time frame cannot be sufficiently analysed and may give you incorrect readings.
Please make sure that you test on the right days, regardless of what the nurse or Dr may suggest to you.
2. A Complete Thyroid Panel
This single blood test can be carried out at any time of your cycle. Test for:
Free T3
Free T4
Reverse T3 – this is often not availble so don’t worry if you can’t get this.
Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase
3. A Nutrient Profile
There are many nutrients that can be tested. These are a few of the key ones:
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D
4. An Antral Follicle Count – Ultrasound Scan
This is a scan to count how many follicles each ovary has in that current cycle, and this can help identify your ovarian reserve.
It’s a trans-vaginal ultrasound scan and it can usually be completed within 15-30 minutes.
It should ideally be carried out in the second half of your cycle around 6 – 10 days after ovulation, as this stage of the cycle provides the most information.
There are 4 helpful areas that the scan can assess for you:
1. A follicle count – to look at how many follicles you have present in each ovary that month. In my experience this is a much more reliable way of assessing your fertility and ovarian activity and reserve, compared to measuring AMH. Many women are told to check their AMH, but it seems unreliable at giving a clear indication of ovarian reserve. Scanning lets you actually see how many follicles your body is producing in each cycle that you scan. Each follicle should contain at least 1 egg. The scan cannot tell you however, what the health of the eggs are, but AMH is also unable to do this.
2. Your ovarian health – can also be assessed using this scan. The ovaries will be measured in size and checked for any abnormalities such as cysts. This is also good to check for PCOS, and general Ovarian Cysts.
3. Ovulation – can be confirmed if you carry out the scan 6 -8 days after you think you have ovulated. The scan can show the Corpus Luteum – the remaining body of the follicle that ruptured and released an egg. This is the best method for confirming ovulation.
4. Your womb health – can be assessed, including how well the Endometrium has thickened and whether it is thick enough for implantation.
Click Here For the Mens Test List

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