Xīnnián Kuàliè
Happy New Year of the Metal Ox in 2021!

Chinese New Year and Your Fertility in 2021
Tomorrow (12th February 2021) a new year begins for the Chinese culture, marking the official first day of Spring in the Northern hemisphere, according to the ancient Lunar calendar.
Chinese New Year is also part of the Spring festival for this reason.
As Spring marks the ‘awakening of life’, after the long winter sleep, it’s an important time of year for focus on fertility health.
Seasonal adjustments are key to Classical Chinese Medicine and traditional culture.
Each season provides a different quality, food source, weather pattern and climatic change, all of which have great effect on our health – even if we don’t realise it.
The main quality of Spring is awakening.
Insects and animals wake up and come out of their underground burrows, whilst plants, flowers, and trees start to bud and rise up out of the earth again.
Life is waking up, and if we align ourselves with this activity and make the correct seasonal changes, we can experience great health benefits throughout the rest of the year – and this includes our fertility health.
For over 20 years I’ve been teaching clients on my online fertility program how to adjust their lives to the seasons – and as a result we’ve seen their fertility health grow, and flourish.
In this post I will mostly share with you the fun part of how the Chinese traditionally prepare for, usher in, and celebrate the New Year in preparation for Spring – as I think it’s a lovely way to ‘wake up’ for the coming year.
I’ll write more separately in another post about Spring itself and how to align with it physically and emotionally, to gain the most from its unique energy and effect.
Celebrating Spring the Chinese Way
Letting go of the old and welcoming in the new is the philosophy of most cultures at new year.
And it’s no different with the Chinese New Year.
Here are the 9 key actions to welcome in the Spring and new start to the natural year:
1. Clean your home thoroughly before the 12th February with a good ‘Spring Clean’ in every corner of your house
2. Cleanse your home by using some natural incense to purify each room.
This is still practiced in many areas of the world including in Europe.
In China (following ancient principles) there’s a traditional incense that’s used, but you can use any pure incense you like.
Walk around the home allowing the smoke into each corner and crevice, in-between furniture etc so the smoke gets everywhere.
Many herbs or resin based incense are known to kill viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens – and they were traditionally used at new year and during epidemics.
When herbs are burned they release essential oils and other substances into the air that kill viruses and bacteria.
Sage is a common European, and Native American, incense for purification.
Myrrh and Frankincense are also often used, and this is the purification incense used by the church too.
3. Get rid of the old by clearing out things you don’t need anymore.
A new year should begin with a fresh start without holding on to old things that don’t support us anymore.
This applies to physical/material things, as well as emotions too.
4. Cyber detox – clean out in-boxes and computers and freshen them up by making space for the new coming year’s items
5. Finish ‘old business’ by completing any old transactions (financial, emotional, physical, spiritual etc) to again have a fresh start in every aspect of your life.
Release things that are a burden and set them down.
6. Clear your mind by taking at least one hour to reflect on what the Rat year of 2020 has been for you – which will be an interesting exercise for most people to do given the pandemic.
Ask yourself questions such as:
What did you learn?
What did you lose?
What did you gain from your learning and losses?
Do you feel that you have progressed in life? If not, why not?
What would you like less of in your life this year?
What would you like more of this year?
What would you like to manifest this year?
Next, turn these into a plan.
Take a piece of paper and divide into 4 equal segments:
Top left = 3 years from now
Top right = 1 year from now
Bottom left = 90 days from now
Bottom right = 7 days from now
List all of the things you’d like more of and would like to achieve or manifest in these time frames.
Important: make realistic goals, and try to make them measurable – i.e. I’d like to have my baby in 1 year from now – rather than simply “I want my baby”.
Try to add measurements so you can properly track it and visualise it.
You work backwards from the longest goals (3 years) so that you create a clear action plan of how you’re going to get there – step by step.
Update your 7 day plan every 7 days, and your 90 day plan every 90 days and the others every 1+3 years.
The more focused you are on this the more you will likely achieve – and of course it doesn’t just have to be about having your baby.
You can use this for all areas of your life.
This is a great way to create a structured and motivated way to support change.
7. Cleanse your body, by taking a bath in either Sea Salt or Epsom Salts, or spring water if you’re lucky to have access to it.
In a bath, add 1-2 mugs of salt to your water, along with some organic lavender or similar pure essential oil.
You can also add some wild or organic rose petals, as they circulate the Qi and calm the mind.
Dim the lights, relax, and just indulge a little.
Shower after the bath, to wash away the old water.
8. Refresh your look, by getting a new haircut and releasing the old year with the hair being cut off. Not possible for everyone at the moment with lockdowns!
Again, it’s symbolic of a new start with new determination and goals and a new look.
If you can’t cut your hair you could maybe just wear it differently for now.
9. Wear new clothes or shoes on the 12th of February, the first day of the new year, to create the feeling of new Qi and energy for the start of a new journey.
And that’s the 9 points covered!
All of these points are about letting go of the old and deciding on what will become the new.
It encourages us to have a new start by removing the past elements to ‘set us free’ emotionally and help us to physically let go of the old things that may hold us back.
I wish you a happy, healthy and successful 2021 in all areas of your life and particularly on your fertility journey.
If you’d like some free support, come join me in my closed Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/creatingyourfertilelife
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