Diet Do’s and Don’ts For a Simpler Fertility Plan
Conflicting advice helps no-one, as I’m sure you know.
Which is why I avoid supermarkets when I can. You know when the music is on, shoppers hustling by, and you’re standing in front of this huge selection of produce all screaming “buy me”…
A bit like the world of diet advice isn’t it?
Everyone seems to think you have the same goals they have. And their one-size-fits-all diet will work for your individual body.
But every body has its own needs. And you’ll eat differently when you want to gain strength, or lose weight, or increase your chances of a successful pregnancy.
So there’s no way I can give you specific advice, in one post, without looking at your unique health balance and situation.
But I can give you the foundational guidelines I give all my clients, which I’ve adapted over time to be the top 20% of advice that will give you 80% of the fertility benefits.
So keeping in mind these are guidelines, here are some basic things…
10 Key ‘Things’ To Avoid:
- Dairy – milk, yoghurt and cheese
- Sugar – white, brown, raw, “natural” syrups such as maple or agave
- Refined starches – bread, pasta, noodles, breakfast cereal, flour products
- Alcohol – all types
- Caffeine – coffee, non-organic green, black or white tea), and sweet drinks (cola)
- Raw foods – salads, vegetable or fruit smoothies or juices (keep raw foods to 5–10% of diet max)
- Cold foods and drinks – all things from the fridge or freezer – cold or iced drinks, cold foods from the fridge, ice-cream
- Eating infrequently and skipping meals
- Too little protein, fibre, healthy fats and starches in your diet
- Drinking whilst eating
And the 9 Key Things to Include:
- Eat warm and cooked foods, even in warm weather or climates
- Eat regularly – space meals out equally throughout the day and don’t allow yourself to get overly hungry
- Eat Protein – eggs, fish and meat (including red meat 3–4 times per week). If vegetarian, this is an area that you will not obtain easily as animal produce contains complete protein, unlike most plants which contain incomplete protein.
- Eat Fats – animal fats, oily wild fish (2 x per week), vegetable oils such as Olive, Flaxseed, Rapeseed and other cold pressed organic oils
- Eat Starches – healthy types – nuts, seeds, beans, pulses, grains, all root vegetables (radish, carrot, beetroot, celeriac, parsnips, swede, turnips) and pumpkin and squash
- Eat Fibre – green leafy vegetables – spinach (not too often – 2x per week max as it increases chances of kidney/urinary stones), kale, dark green and red cabbages, spring greens and all other leafy green vegetables. Broccoli is also good and can help decrease high Estrogen levels. Always cook greens really well, and more so if you have or suspect a thyroid issue as these vegetables cause an increase in the development of a goiter (related to thyroid disease).
- Drink herbal tea and room temperature or warm water throughout the day
- Take your time when eating and find a quiet relaxed place to eat slowly and really taste and enjoy your food
- Eat what your ancestors ate – stick to a healthy cuisine that relates to what your culture traditionally eats, minus the foods in the avoid list above.
And there you go.
Take these guidelines as a starting point, to get you closer to your goal.
Like having a well-planned shopping list and aisle plan in a busy supermarket.
Which leads us nicely to the next post of this series which will be:
How to design your unique treatment approach
Stay well

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