How To Get Pregnant
An estimated 48.5 million couples are struggling to get pregnant naturally. Unexplained infertility, Sperm issues, PCOS, Fibroids, Endometriosis and other fertility diagnoses are involved – but these are just symptoms of a deeper issue that isn’t being addressed. To restore natural fertility we have to know the root cause of the problem – and not just treat the symptoms.
Not getting pregnant or staying pregnant indicates that there is a deeper root issue within your general health that is out of balance.
This imbalance will be within one or more of your body systems, such as your digestive, respiratory, reproductive, endocrine systems etc.
Until it is resolved, it will temporarily reduce your ability to get pregnant or stay pregnant.
Optimising your general health is therefore the way to restore your fertility health, and help you have your healthy baby.
This is the case whether you are trying to conceive naturally, with IVF with own eggs, or IVF with donor eggs or sperm. Your general health is critical to a healthy pregnancy!
So, how do you restore balance and optimise your fertility naturally?
There are just 3 actions to take:
1. Find the Root cause of your health imbalance
2. Create a clear action plan so you know which of The 5 Fertility Foundations to use to treat the root cause properly
3. Use The 5 Fertility Foundations to naturally restore balance to your body.
Want to know more about how to get pregnant naturally or with IVF?
The 3 Key Steps to Natural + IVF Pregnancy
If your fertility journey is missing these 3-key steps it can lead to years of delay in getting pregnant and having your baby.
Discover how to find the root of your situation – and the 3-key steps you can take to speed up your journey to get pregnant naturally or with IVF.
The Ultimate Fertility Guide – Free Copy
Getting to the root of your fertility health is the single most important action you can take to help you to have your health baby.
In this book you’ll learn how to speed up your journey to get pregnant naturally or with IVF, through a series of simple and effective steps.
IVF by-passes most of your reproductive system to try and produce at least one embryo for you.
But it only really helps when the couple’s issues are related to not producing embryos i.e. the sperm and egg are not naturally meeting.
If the reason for not getting pregnant or staying pregnant is any other issue such as: Progesterone deficiency, implantation issues, egg or sperm quality issues, an over-active immune system or anything else not related to the egg or sperm meeting – then IVF used alone may not be sufficient to help.
I believe that this results in the many failed IVF cycles we see reflected in the IVF statistics.
Even though IVF may work for some people (as few as 1% in some age groups) the approach is not successful for many, and it may potentially carry other health risks too.
Restoring your fertility health can only be achieved naturally, based on the root of your health balance.
The great news is that you can take action on this and change it.
And the even better news is that there are just 5 key things that need to be in balance to restore health to anyone’s body.
During the last 21+ years of helping my clients get pregnant all over the world, I’ve discovered what I call The 5 Fertility Foundations.
These foundations are an easy but effective way to restore general and fertility health to help you to get pregnant naturally or with IVF.
The 5 Fertility Foundations
Conventional medicine can only offer you IVF or a drug approach, that mostly does not resolve the root issue that’s stopping you getting pregnant.
There is a natural way to optimise your fertility health with The 5 Fertility Foundations. Discover how these 5 key foundations could simplify your fertility journey and help to get you more fertile.
The Ultimate Fertility Guide – Free Copy
Getting to the root of your fertility health is the single most important action you can take to help you to have your health baby.
In this book you’ll learn how to speed up your journey to get pregnant naturally or with IVF, through a series of simple and effective steps.
A fertility journey needs to follow a specific structure to be successful more quickly.
Without this structure the journey is like walking through the woods in the dark with no light, no map, and no clear path to follow.
The result? You either come out where you want to through sheer chance, or you get completely lost and need help to find your way back!
The 3 obstacles I’ll share with you today are the key issues that create the most delay on a fertility journey, and so they should be avoided at all costs.
When we recently surveyed a group of people and asked, “what could be stopping you having your baby?”, over 80% said it was something physical such as not having the right supplements, diet, or lifestyle.
Whilst these are important factors for fertility health, they are not the type of obstacles I’m talking about here.
The 3 biggest obstacles are key things that slow you down because they stop you from getting to the really important issue – the root of your individual fertility health balance.
Not having a diagnosis of the root of your health balance, a plan of action to follow, and knowing which treatments to use and how long for … are key factors that will stop you getting pregnant and having your healthy baby.
The 3 Obstacles Stopping You Getting Pregnant
The 3 key obstacles that are stopping most people getting pregnant – are probably not what you think!
Click here to discover what might be stopping you.

The Ultimate Fertility Guide – Free Copy
Getting to the root of your fertility health is the single most important action you can take to help you to have your health baby.
In this book you’ll learn how to speed up your journey to get pregnant naturally or with IVF, through a series of simple and effective steps.

Claim your free guide to discover the 3 steps that could dramatically speed up your journey to having your baby!
The Natural Fertility Expert
Fertility at 40+
© 1998-2025 Andrew Loosely - United Kingdom