Designing Your Natural Treatment Plan to Speed Up Your Journey
As soon as people notice that something is stopping them getting or staying pregnant, they naturally go into overdrive to try to find out why.
They research mysterious medical terms, look up symptoms, join courses and programs, find experts who promise cures…
And throw themselves headlong into all kinds of diets and treatments.
At times this can be a tragic waste of time and effort for many.
They put the rest of life on hold and get frustrated trying to fix symptoms, which don’t respond because symptoms are only clues to deeper issues – that rarely get resolved that way.
And the IVF institutions are often the only ones benefiting with repeated cycles – because no-one is dealing with the real root issue.
The aim of this post series is to help you avoid this trap. So you can benefit from your journey, have a healthy pregnancy, and STILL enjoy the good parts of life.
This is the last post of this mini-series, and I’m giving you the keys you need to implement this system, with all the principles I’ve covered so far.
Here we go:
(a) WHAT is showing up physically in your body, and your partner’s body. Use western medicine tests for this and then have them properly reviewed.
(b) The WHY – the underlying root cause within your body that’s stopping you getting or staying pregnant. As with the wolves in Yellowstone Park (previous post here).
Classical Chinese Fertility Medicine is a great tool for the job of finding the root cause.
But don’t mix it up with TCM (“Traditional” Chinese Medicine) – as this is less than 100 years old and is not the experienced Chinese Medical system used for millennia to treat fertility issues.
Once the What and Why have been established you can move to the second step:
Step 2: DECIDE:
WHICH of the 5 Fertility Foundations are appropriate for you based on your results in Step 1, and WHEN and HOW LONG to use them.
Your Classical Chinese Fertility Medicine practitioner should do this as part of your health assessment in Step 1.
Step 3: DELIVER:
Apply the chosen Fertility Foundations systematically for a set time-frame. The 5 Fertility Foundations are:
- Mindset – the things you think (good and bad)
- Diet – the things you eat and drink
- Treatment (prescribed herbal medicine, supplements, IVF, medication) – the things that bring about change
- Lifestyle Changes – the things that you do (sleep, exercise, work etc)
- Environmental Changes – the environment and people around you
This is the 3-step system I’ve created and found to work with my clients over and over for more than 25 years. In this 3 step sequence, and no other.
You are unique.
Your body has its own health requirements, and your journey is different from the next person’s.
Your approach should be unique and created for you as an individual, based on your unique needs.
Does this sound logical to you?
If so, and if you’d like to speed up your journey to your baby – I’d love to help you by giving you a gift of a free session with me – worth £97.
Join me in a FREE 30-minute online ‘How to Get Pregnant Discovery Session’.
And I’ll review your journey for you and share my thoughts on how you could best use the 3 steps to activate your fertility journey and health – to get you ready for your baby.
This is right for you if you’re:
Trying to conceive naturally or preparing for assisted treatments such as IVF or Egg Donation.
Fancy a chat?
I guarantee you’ll leave the session with some clear steps on how to reveal your WHAT and WHY – to get to the root of what’s been stopping you – so you can take the best action needed.
If you decide to book, I look forward to chatting very soon!
If not, that’s okay too.
I’ll still keep writing helpful support posts and emails (if you’re in my community) about your fertility diet, lifestyle, treatments, mindset and more 🙂
Take good care and best wishes,

Claim your free guide to discover the 3 steps that could dramatically speed up your journey to having your baby!
The Natural Fertility Expert
Fertility at 40+
© 1998-2025 Andrew Loosely - United Kingdom